Publications Filter Results for "High School"

Equity-Centered Project-Based Learning Download paper (3.13 MB) The Impact of Project-Based Learning on AP Exam Performance Read the abstract Designing Project-Based Learning Curricula Download paper (3.73 MB) Rigorous Project-Based Learning is a Powerful Lever for Improving Equity Download brief (2.67 MB) The Evidence is Clear: Rigorous Project-Based Learning is an Effective Lever for Student Success Download brief (231 KB) Enabling Conditions for Scaling Project-Based Learning Download paper (1.66 MB) Project-Based Learning Boosts Student Achievement in AP Courses Download brief (778 KB) Project-Based Learning Leads to Gains in Science and Other Subjects in Middle School and Benefits All Learners Download brief (673 KB) Key Principles for Project-Based Learning Download paper (4.2 MB) Why Social and Emotional Learning Is Essential to Project-Based Learning Download paper (1.86 MB) High Quality Professional Learning for Project-Based Learning Download paper (763 KB) Preparing Teachers for Project-Based Teaching Download article (398 KB) (Re)Designing for Engagement an a Project-Based AP Environmental Science Course Download article (2.36 MB) Reinventing the High School Government Course: Rigor, Simulations, and Learning from Text Read the abstract Beyond Breadth-Speed-Test: Toward Deeper Knowing and Engagement in An Advanced Placement Course Read the abstract Rethinking Advanced High School Coursework: Tackling the Depth/Breadth Tension in the AP US Government and Politics Course Read the abstract

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Elementary School English Language Arts High School Interdisciplinary Studies Mathematics Middle School Project-Based Learning Science Social Studies Teacher Development Curriculum Language Development Social and Emotional Learning